Ozone therapy is a branch of natural medicine that uses ozone for its non-specific cellular stimulation properties and for its anti-infective properties (against viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa). One method of ozone therapy consists in the application and administration of ozonized sunflower seed oil according to the Cuban standards recognized by the bibliography and international school and its application determines all the characteristic beneficial effects of ozonotherapy with an anti-infective and cellular regeneration capacity higher.
The anti-infective properties make it suitable in all those cases in which an antiviral action is required, an antibacterial action and an anti-fungal action (dermatophytes and yeasts).
The cellular stimulation properties of ozonotherapy determine, when necessary, an increase in microcirculation, a neoformation of blood vessels, a stimulation of fibroblasts, and therefore a regenerative capacity, is particulary indicated for sores, ulceres and wounds, but also lead to an increase in immune defenses and an activation of intracellular antioxidant systems.
OZOFARM LINE has been formulated in compliance with the principles of ozone therapy and MIC indicated by Antibacterical activities of Cuban ozonized sunflower seed oil. These MIC are the same used with the DR. VIGNA ozonized sunflower seed oil used as the basis of each OZOFARM product to ensure maximum effectiveness and allows you to perform indirect Ozonetherapy with maximum simplicity and efficiency.
The best result is achieved by ozonating a particular sunflower seed oil in ways that guarantee a high number of ozonides, a low acidity, a low viscosity and the right ratio between the various active components.